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Download & Installation

EvoSC is currently unstable on windows systems and may not work as intended, or at all. Install at your own risk.


The following are the system requirements you will need to install and run EvoSC.


Before starting the preparation, make sure you have all the requirements listed above.

MySQL Database

You will need a MySQL database set up for EvoSC. The following is a simple process for setting up your first database to be used with EvoSC. Make sure you remember or note down your database name and user login info as you will need this later in the setup process. This guide assume you are running EvoSC on the same machine as your MySQL server.

  • Connect and login to your MySQL server with a user that can create databases.
  • Create a database, here we name our database evosc:
CREATE DATABASE evosc CHARACTER SET UTF8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;
  • Create a database user for evosc, here the name of the user is evosc: 
CREATE USER 'evosc'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your password';
  • Grant the user all access to the new database:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON evosc.* TO 'evosc'@'localhost';

(Optional) Dedimania

If you are running a ManiaPlanet server, you might want to set up the Dedimania records widget.

  1. Go to this page and login with maniaplanet:
  2. Click the Register your dedicated servers button.
  3. Follow the instructions to register your server and note down the DedimaniaCode it gives you.

Installation with git

Git is currently the only way to install and update EvoSC, here is how you do it:

  1. Open the terminal and go to or create a directory where you want EvoSC to be installed.
  2. Clone the repository with git: git clone
    There are currently two versions of EvoSC. You have the the master or the development branch. The master branch usually contains the most stable version, but the development branch has all the latest changes and features. If you want to use the development branch you can check it out with git checkout develop.
  3. The previous step will create a new directory EvoSC, cd into it: cd EvoSC
  4. Run the composer setup: composer install
  5. Start EvoSC for the initial installation process: php esc run
  6. Follow the setup guide which EvoSC provides.